Full Sail University

录音艺术毕业生Rafa Sardina谈激情、过程和赢得格莱美奖

这位15次格莱美奖和拉丁格莱美奖得主学会了如何制作, mix, and engineer music at Full Sail.

录音艺术毕业生Rafa Sardina的激情,过程,和拉高格莱美-英雄形象

Rafa Sardina loves a challenge. 这位录音艺术专业的毕业生在90年代初从西班牙搬到奥兰多参加Full Sail, convinced Ocean Way Studios to hire him as their first intern, 在车祸恢复期间完成了一张获得拉丁格莱美奖的专辑.

他的努力得到了回报,获得了15项格莱美奖和拉丁格莱美奖, mixing, and engineering, plus a mile-long resume filled with some of the biggest names in music. 拉法在Full Sail的时间为他在该行业的长期成功奠定了基础.

Onward to Full Sail

Rafa had a lifelong love of music. 在他的家乡西班牙担任了几年的前台和监控工程师之后, he found Full Sail online, enrolled in the Recording Arts program, and moved to the United States.

虽然他与西班牙隔海相望,但拉法很快就在Full Sail的校园里找到了家的感觉. “没有太多的文化冲击,因为有很多来自不同州、不同社区甚至不同国家的人参加了Full Sail. You felt very welcomed," he says.

全帆的现实世界的教育方法建立在拉法以前的旅游经验. Attending midnight studio sessions before an 8 a.m. 这堂课让他了解了自己未来作为音乐制作人和工程师的计划. “不管你是谁,不管你在行业中的地位如何,这种情况仍然会发生,”他说. "If it needs to get done, it needs to get done."

拉法说,他仍然每天使用他所有的全帆教育, 但是,他在准备现场表演时,在一门关于扩声技术的课程中学到了最多的录音室录音知识. “这些真的让我大开眼界,因为他们告诉了我们敏捷性——你需要如何提前三步思考," he says. “你在预测可能出现的问题或问题,或者将要发生的事情, and [you've got to] always keep calm."

Ocean Way Studios

After graduating as class valedictorian, Rafa headed west to Ocean Way Recording Studios in Hollywood. 这家竞争异常激烈的工作室刚刚聘请了普林斯的一位前录音工程师作为助理, so Rafa convinced Ocean Way to hire him as their first intern.

Ocean Way attracted seasoned, award-winning producers like David Foster, George Massenburg, Rick Rubin, and Glyn Johns. 当他与工作室的高端客户合作时,从他们身上学习帮助拉法在职业生涯的早期取得了重大的职业里程碑. 他的第一次录音室工作是为奥斯卡录制大型管弦乐部分, and he worked with the Red Hot Chili Peppers next. 不久之后,他又加入了昆西·琼斯、黑乌鸦乐队和滚石乐队.

这些行为的录音给了拉法经济上的自由,让他可以承担更多令人满意的项目,也让他有信心完成这些项目. Big compliments from musical legends didn't hurt either. “其中一个(特别的时刻)是和迈克尔·杰克逊合作, 他甚至一度要求我为他的制作公司专门负责他的项目," Rafa says.

Working with legends wasn't all smooth sailing. 像芭芭拉·史翠珊和安妮塔·贝克这样的超级明星很清楚自己想要什么,不想要什么, 他们更有可能挑战拉法,让他发出完美的声音. "They were demanding, but for the right reasons. 这使得这个过程更具挑战性,但你也会得到更好的结果. And if you're not challenged, you don't step it up," he says.

The Grammys and Latin Grammys

在接下来的几年里,拉法与几乎所有流派的艺术家合作, and the Grammy nominations started piling up. 2000年,在第一届拉丁格莱美颁奖典礼上,他对路易斯·米格尔的作品 Amarte Es Un Placer was honored with Album of the Year and Best Pop Album awards, two wins that were especially meaningful to Rafa.

“当我完成这张专辑时,我卷入了一场交通事故, and it took over for a week or two," he says. 他的朋友兼导师阿尔·施密特(Al Schmitt)以工程师的身份介入,并进行了最后的润色. When Amarte Es Un Placer 在宣布获得格莱美奖后,拉法与阿尔. “他一直是我的英雄,我的导师,他和我一起去拿拉丁格莱美奖. 比赢得冠军更重要的是我和他一起站在台上,”拉法说.

在过去的10年里,拉法已经非常熟悉这个阶段了. He's won a combined 15 Grammys and Latin Grammys, with over 60 nominations in almost every genre of music. 他目前还担任拉丁格莱美的受托人和格莱美的理事, 他还是拉丁格莱美制作人和工程师协会的创始成员之一.

如今,Rafa在洛杉矶与他自己的改装空间Afterhours Studio的艺术家们合作. He's proud of his Full Sail degree, 他知道,未来的毕业生可以达到他所经历的职业高峰——只要他们与自己的激情和直觉保持一致.

"Passion is like a companion. 它不会凭空发生,并一直伴随着你。. “你必须培养它,保持好奇心,迎接挑战. And your intuition? [It's] key to everything you do. No matter what people tell you, you follow your intuition."

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